While trying to think of new recipes to cook for a healthier you, look through the huge number of cooking games you can find online. The cooking games online are varied and have plenty of options for how to amuse yourself. A few of my personal favorites follow.
Pizza cooking games. Everyone loves pizza, and I’m not an exception. To play the pizza cooking games, start with a blank canvas of a crust and add whatever you need to make it delicious. You can add toppings in an elegant pictorial fashion or just chunk them on there to get the pizzas in the oven and out the door more quickly.
Cake cooking games. In the cake cooking games, you get to not only make the cake, but to decorate it as well. I think decorating large wedding cakes is easily one of the most amusing things I’ve done in a while.
BBQ cooking games. In the BBQ cooking games, you start with a grill and then the orders come pouring in. Grill up the food and serve it quickly if you plan to advance to the next level.