Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cooking Games – Breakfast for Dinner

I love the little surprises of the day, and having breakfast at the end of the day is a great way to make things feel a bit loose and topsy-turvy. Having breakfast at the end of the day is another great way to get a lot of important protein and nutrients without having to spend hours cooking.

Eggs – You’ll want to include eggs. Scrambled eggs are the easiest and most people enjoy the scrambled version of the eggs. Omelets are another good variation as they let you include vegetables and even meat in your single protein dish.

Meat – Meat is another common item to be included in breakfast for dinner. Bacon, sausage, ham or even steak make the dinner enjoyable and heavy enough to be satisfying at the end of the day.

Fruit and Veggies – You can include vegetables in omelets, but they are bit less common on their own. Fruit, however, is a nice addition to breakfast. Enjoy orange juice, fresh fruit, fruit salad or chopped fruit over pancakes or waffles.

Bread – Finally, you’ll likely want some sort of bread dish with your breakfast for dinner. Waffles, pancakes, toast or biscuits can certainly hit the spot. Bread is a nice filler during the meal and will help you feel full and comfortable.

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