Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Using Cooking Games to Lose Weight?

It’s a bit of a mystery to some, but cooking games can actually help you to lose weight. How? The answer is more obvious than you think:

Playing cooking games online helps you to stay out of the kitchen. If you’re bored, you’re likely to munch on junk. But if you’re moving your hands in a rapid fire motion flinging virtual pizzas, there are no bites of real pizza going in.

Cooking games keep you moving. Playing online might mean you’re playing while seated, but you’re anything but still. Your hands are moving and so is your body as you twist and turn your way through each brutal round of a cooking game. And any movement burns calories, right?

Cooking games keep you on your feet. If you’re playing cooking games in the kitchen, you’re most likely standing and moving around the room as you prepare the different dishes. The more you move the more calories you burn.

Cooking games ramp up your metabolism. The best way to get your metabolism moving is to snack throughout the day on healthy items rather than eating heavy meals. If you’re busy in the kitchen, you’re likely too busy to sit and eat, and instead will just munch on a bite of something here and a nibble of something there.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Four Reasons Cooking Games Are Better Than Actually Cooking

Like to cook? Not really? You’re not alone. But I’ll be willing to bet that despite your admitted defeat in the kitchen, you’re a whiz at cooking games. This isn’t particularly surprising since cooking games are must better than the real thing.

  • Cooking games are clean. When you’re playing a cooking game, there isn’t any batter to spill on the counters or eggs to crack. There’s not any cleaning up at all, actually. It doesn’t get much better than that!
  • Cooking games can be played while eating. If you’re in the kitchen cooking, you’re presumably not munching on anything other than maybe a few bites of uncooked vegetables. But when you’re playing cooking games, you can really chow down on anything you like – nachos, pizza, cookies, vegetables, you name it!
  • Cooking games won’t set your house on fire. In the kitchen there are about fifteen ways to set your house on fire. On the computer, you’re cooking in the safety of virtual reality. Flip, bake, broil and char. There will be no grease fires on your watch!
  • Cooking games are available 24/7. When you want to cook, you can’t just rush down to the kitchen at eleven PM and whip up something fun – just for the joy of it. But if you’re up late and want to feel culinary, you can certainly play cooking games.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Let Cooking Games Entertain You

Have you tried and few cooking games and found them intriguing? Cooking games are a great way to spend time online when you need a break or are just hanging out for a bit, taking a break. What makes cooking games such a great way to entertain yourself? Plenty of things:

Cooking games challenge you. In the type of game structure used for cooking games, you’re only battling yourself or possible the computer. Each level gets more intense making you work harder and faster. This hones reflexes and skills and you build yourself up over time until you’re reflexes are sharp enough to master any game – cooking or not.

Cooking games are solo. When you’re killing time waiting for your BFF to make it over to your house, it’s nice to play a game that’s designed to be play by one person. No challenges, no world-wide networks, just a simple game of cookie baking or hamburger flipping to keep you busy.

Cooking games fit into small time slots. When you only have five minutes before a first date or before you can fashionably arrive at a party, you want something to do other than pace and nibble your fingernails in anticipation. Cooking games are a perfect fill for that time slot.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cooking Games: Creative Colors

Who says you can’t use your artistic skills when creating meals? We all know you can color icing on cakes and cookies, but have you ever thought of adding color to other food items – just for fun?

Changing food colors is an interesting phenomenon. The body is naturally repulsed by certain colors on certain items as this is a way of protecting you from eating bad food. You wouldn’t eat green meat would you?

Well maybe you would if you were having a bit of an experiment and trying new things out on your family – and you know that green came from a container of dye. Why not play with food coloring – although I wouldn’t start with meat. Try baking a loaf of bread from scratch, and adding red food coloring to the dough. Then, when it cooks, you have pink bread – not everyone can say that!

If your mom drags you into the kitchen to help with dinner, you can work on the mashed potatoes. REALLY work on them, if you know what I mean. The quickly cover your creation until you unveil your purple delicacy on the kitchen table for all to enjoy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cooking Games: Making Smoothies

What goes down better than an ice cold drink on a hot summer day? An ice cold smoothie, of course! Making smoothies is a terrific cooking game simply because so much of what you put into your smoothie is up to you. Not only do smoothies taste great, they are really very good for you as well.

Smoothie Ingredients The ingredients in a smoothie are straightforward: fruit, yogurt or sherbet, ice, and juice. How to prepare your smoothie can have a lot to do with the power of the flavor and its texture. For example, if you use a poor blender you’ll wind up with chunks of ice. If you include lots of berries, you might be drinking more seeds than you’re comfortable with.

Smoothie Tips
If you’re going to make a smoothie, invest in a great blender or even a smoothie maker. Then, skip the ice and instead freeze your fruit ahead of time. If the fruit is frozen, you don’t need to add ice to make the drink slushy; the frozen fruit will take care of that for you. Keep a container of frozen fruit and you can grab some anytime you’re ready for a healthy treat.

Add juice first and then slowly add fruit. If your blender bogs down, simply add more juice to balance the amount of fruit. You should avoid adding water as that will only dilute the smoothie and the flavor.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cooking Games – Pancakes

Looking for a fun cooking game this morning? Why not make pancakes!

Start with a simple batter recipe. My personal favorite is the batter that simply requires water. You pour the water into the yellow jug and shake madly for a few minutes. Then you’re ready to make pancakes. Well, you’re ready if you like the basic kind.

I personally like to jazz my pancakes up a bit, so I add extra things on a pretty regular basis. For your pancakes, try adding a handful of fresh blueberries to the jug (and shake to mix). You might also add a handful of crushed nuts, or go for the gold with crushed nuts and mashed banana – banana nut pancakes YUM!

Now that you have a bit of extra flavor, you’re ready to cook. Turn on the stove (with adult supervision, of course) and pull out a griddle pan. It will be large and flat. Once it’s hot enough, dribble oil onto the pan and turn the pan a bit to give it covered.

Then pour on a circle of batter. Make a few circles and wait minute or two. When the top looks less like gooey batter and more like almost pancake, flip the pancakes over to finish cooking. Then eat and enjoy with your favorite syrup.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why Cooking Games Are Here to Stay

There are things that come and go. These trends apply to what sorts of jeans we wear and what sort of games we play. We might be seeing the end of a few things online, but we’ll never see the end of cooking games. Why not? Plenty of reasons:

People like to cook! Cooking is both fashionable and not. Cooking can be a hobby or simply a survival skill. But either way, cooking games are fun and work with what people like to do already. Flip a burger online or flip one on the grill – either way, it’s good eats.

Cooking games are challenging. Some of the most fashionable things are really rather boring. Collecting stuffed animals or plastic dolls might be fun while you’re on the hunt, but once you have thirty fluffy pups on your bed, you’ll probably be over them. Collecting mad skills making pizzas or donuts is much more beneficial and fun. Plus, it keep the mind sharp – and your appetite, too.

Cooking games are educational. If anything is even remotely education related it’s around forever. Fortunately for us, cooking games are educational, but they are much more fun than flash cards and spelling contests.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Ultimate Party Foods

If you’re planning a party, you’ll want plenty for your guests to munch on while they are visiting. Of course preparing food for a party isn’t always that easy and ordering pizza for thirty can be really expensive. So if you’re looking for some yummy foods to serve up at your next party, look no further!

Nachos are ridiculously easy to make and they taste great. Grab a bag of tortilla chips, pinto beans, a variety of cheeses including cheddar and jack, and maybe some jalapeƱos if you’re feeling brave. Then get started making a nice layer upon layer of delicious nachos. Bake and serve them up!

Mini Sandwiches
How often have you gone to a party with chips and cookies only to feel sick later from not eating any “real” food? Mini sandwiches are the kind of food your guests will be looking for to actually stop hunger pains. You should always make more than you think you’ll need since a good sandwich is easy to make and delicious.

Make your favorite styles of sandwich on white bread. Start with peanut butter and jelly then make some ham and cheese or turkey sandwiches. Once you have your sandwiches, cut them into fourths and arrange beautifully on a tray

Fruit and Cheese
Finally, make a simple tray of fruit and cheese. Slice apples and watermelon and cut cheese cubes from the nacho leftovers. Congratulations! You’ve made delicious and reasonably healthy party foods your guests will love.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Progressive Dinner

Your parents might have enjoyed a progressive dinner party, and you might have gone along. If you’ve never played this cooking game, however, this is the perfect time.

A progressive dinner winds through a neighborhood or larger area. You and the rest of the party guests eat an appetizer such as bread or small treats while talking and visiting. When everyone has had a chance to arrive and grab a bit to eat, the entire party moves together to the next house.

This move might be done in cars or on foot if everyone lives close enough together. But the bottom line is when the party arrives at the second house, another course of the meal is served.

After dinner, the crowd can move again – this time to another house or location for dessert. Finally, after dessert, the gathering is finished, but you might wind up heading back for seconds now that you know how delicious everything is and exactly where it is located.

You can have your own progressive dinner by hooking up with friends and each arranging a portion of the meal to prepare. You mom can help by keeping an eye on the stove while you run down the street for an hour for appetizer at a friend’s house, and then she might help you serve up the food for the main course. Then you’ll head to another friends’ house for dessert. All in all, a yummy evening.