Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cooking Games: Making Smoothies

What goes down better than an ice cold drink on a hot summer day? An ice cold smoothie, of course! Making smoothies is a terrific cooking game simply because so much of what you put into your smoothie is up to you. Not only do smoothies taste great, they are really very good for you as well.

Smoothie Ingredients The ingredients in a smoothie are straightforward: fruit, yogurt or sherbet, ice, and juice. How to prepare your smoothie can have a lot to do with the power of the flavor and its texture. For example, if you use a poor blender you’ll wind up with chunks of ice. If you include lots of berries, you might be drinking more seeds than you’re comfortable with.

Smoothie Tips
If you’re going to make a smoothie, invest in a great blender or even a smoothie maker. Then, skip the ice and instead freeze your fruit ahead of time. If the fruit is frozen, you don’t need to add ice to make the drink slushy; the frozen fruit will take care of that for you. Keep a container of frozen fruit and you can grab some anytime you’re ready for a healthy treat.

Add juice first and then slowly add fruit. If your blender bogs down, simply add more juice to balance the amount of fruit. You should avoid adding water as that will only dilute the smoothie and the flavor.

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