Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cooking Games – Pancakes

Looking for a fun cooking game this morning? Why not make pancakes!

Start with a simple batter recipe. My personal favorite is the batter that simply requires water. You pour the water into the yellow jug and shake madly for a few minutes. Then you’re ready to make pancakes. Well, you’re ready if you like the basic kind.

I personally like to jazz my pancakes up a bit, so I add extra things on a pretty regular basis. For your pancakes, try adding a handful of fresh blueberries to the jug (and shake to mix). You might also add a handful of crushed nuts, or go for the gold with crushed nuts and mashed banana – banana nut pancakes YUM!

Now that you have a bit of extra flavor, you’re ready to cook. Turn on the stove (with adult supervision, of course) and pull out a griddle pan. It will be large and flat. Once it’s hot enough, dribble oil onto the pan and turn the pan a bit to give it covered.

Then pour on a circle of batter. Make a few circles and wait minute or two. When the top looks less like gooey batter and more like almost pancake, flip the pancakes over to finish cooking. Then eat and enjoy with your favorite syrup.

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