Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Progressive Dinner

Your parents might have enjoyed a progressive dinner party, and you might have gone along. If you’ve never played this cooking game, however, this is the perfect time.

A progressive dinner winds through a neighborhood or larger area. You and the rest of the party guests eat an appetizer such as bread or small treats while talking and visiting. When everyone has had a chance to arrive and grab a bit to eat, the entire party moves together to the next house.

This move might be done in cars or on foot if everyone lives close enough together. But the bottom line is when the party arrives at the second house, another course of the meal is served.

After dinner, the crowd can move again – this time to another house or location for dessert. Finally, after dessert, the gathering is finished, but you might wind up heading back for seconds now that you know how delicious everything is and exactly where it is located.

You can have your own progressive dinner by hooking up with friends and each arranging a portion of the meal to prepare. You mom can help by keeping an eye on the stove while you run down the street for an hour for appetizer at a friend’s house, and then she might help you serve up the food for the main course. Then you’ll head to another friends’ house for dessert. All in all, a yummy evening.

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