Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Using Cooking Games to Lose Weight?

It’s a bit of a mystery to some, but cooking games can actually help you to lose weight. How? The answer is more obvious than you think:

Playing cooking games online helps you to stay out of the kitchen. If you’re bored, you’re likely to munch on junk. But if you’re moving your hands in a rapid fire motion flinging virtual pizzas, there are no bites of real pizza going in.

Cooking games keep you moving. Playing online might mean you’re playing while seated, but you’re anything but still. Your hands are moving and so is your body as you twist and turn your way through each brutal round of a cooking game. And any movement burns calories, right?

Cooking games keep you on your feet. If you’re playing cooking games in the kitchen, you’re most likely standing and moving around the room as you prepare the different dishes. The more you move the more calories you burn.

Cooking games ramp up your metabolism. The best way to get your metabolism moving is to snack throughout the day on healthy items rather than eating heavy meals. If you’re busy in the kitchen, you’re likely too busy to sit and eat, and instead will just munch on a bite of something here and a nibble of something there.

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