Saturday, July 26, 2008

Four Reasons Cooking Games Are Better Than Actually Cooking

Like to cook? Not really? You’re not alone. But I’ll be willing to bet that despite your admitted defeat in the kitchen, you’re a whiz at cooking games. This isn’t particularly surprising since cooking games are must better than the real thing.

  • Cooking games are clean. When you’re playing a cooking game, there isn’t any batter to spill on the counters or eggs to crack. There’s not any cleaning up at all, actually. It doesn’t get much better than that!
  • Cooking games can be played while eating. If you’re in the kitchen cooking, you’re presumably not munching on anything other than maybe a few bites of uncooked vegetables. But when you’re playing cooking games, you can really chow down on anything you like – nachos, pizza, cookies, vegetables, you name it!
  • Cooking games won’t set your house on fire. In the kitchen there are about fifteen ways to set your house on fire. On the computer, you’re cooking in the safety of virtual reality. Flip, bake, broil and char. There will be no grease fires on your watch!
  • Cooking games are available 24/7. When you want to cook, you can’t just rush down to the kitchen at eleven PM and whip up something fun – just for the joy of it. But if you’re up late and want to feel culinary, you can certainly play cooking games.

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