It’s late and you’ve been up playing cooking games or chatting with friends. When you get the urge to snack, you want to go for something better than greasy chips or loud popcorn. You need to be sneaky and you need something to fill you up and help you settle down to sleep. After all, you really shouldn’t be up past midnight anyway.
It might seem silly and childish, but a big glass of milk will help to fill your tummy and make you feel nice and comfortable. Milk, especially whole milk, will sit with you for a while letting you settle into bed and sleep deeply without a tummy grumble in sight.
If you’re remotely athletic and occasionally suffer from muscle cramps and Charlie Horses, these irritating events almost always occur in the middle of the night. If cramps are making it hard to sleep, sneak downstairs in search of one of nature’s perfect foods – a banana. A banana is nicely filling, full of vitamins, and most importantly has plenty of potassium which is one of the easiest way to help prevent cramps.
If you want to go through the effort of creating an entire sandwich, be my guest. It will be far easier, however to just grab a few pieces of bread and munch while you work. If you want to get fancy, you can toast the slices and smother them with jam, but regular slices of regular bread work well enough to give your stomach something to work on while you sleep comfortably in your bed.
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