Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cooking Games: Mud Pies

If you were a rough and tumble kind of kid it’s likely you’ve had your time in the mud making the favorite of childhood – mud pies. But even now you don’t have to let your childhood go. You can still make yummy mud pies, or as some would say, dirt cakes, easily enough.

Head the store and grab a container of Oreo cookies, chocolate instant pudding, milk and gummy worms. Then head back home. Prepare the pudding according to the instructions and put it in the refrigerator to start cooling off.

Throw about half of the Oreos into a thick plastic bag and seal it tightly. Then grab a rolling pin. If you don’t happen to have a rolling pin lying around, you can also use a heavy mixing spoon or just about anything with crushing power.

Get to work crushing the Oreos into oblivion. Your ultimate goal is to have nothing left but very fine Oreo crumbs with no crème visible. Your plastic bag should be full of delicious chocolate dirt.

Grab your now chilled pudding out of the fridge and pour some into pudding or regular cups. If you want, you can stir in a bit of Oreo dirt first, or leave the pudding smooth. Once you’ve spooned in the pudding, spoon up a layer of “dirt” on top. You should have pudding covered completely with dirt. For a final touch, add a gummy worm half in and half out of the pudding. Ta-da! Mud Pies!

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