Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cooking Games – Apartment Cooking

If you’re moving into your very first apartment, you’ll need to find the basics for your kitchen without spending too much in the process. Finding great deals on cook wear and dinner wear can be relatively straightforward, especially if you have lots of time to dedicate to the process.

Hit Garage Sales
Start by walking through garage sales in your area. A lot of people sell old pots and pans as they buy new ones. Most look a bit beaten up, but they still cook perfectly well. Snatch up plates and utensils at a sale as well and you’ll be in business.

Take Stock
Take stock of what you have and what you still need once you’ve spent some time begging from your parents and shopping the garage or yard sales. Think about what you truly will use and what you only think you want. For example, a stand mixer is awesome, but you’re much more likely to have space to store a simple handmixer than the stand one with bells and whistles.

Look For Sales
To finish off your cooking games kit for your new apartment, shop sales and discount stores. Enjoy buying things that are fun and funky as that is exactly the stage of life you’re in at this point.

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