Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 Dangerous Cooking Games

When playing cooking games, some are certainly more dangerous than others. Among the most dangerous you’ll find these:

Grilling cooking games. When you’re working on the grill, you’re using an open flame and often using meat that contains a great deal of grease. This is a very bad combination for flare ups and even large fires. Never leave a grill unattended and clear away anything near the grill that might be at risk. Clean the grill thoroughly before use to prevent any fires from old material as well.

Cooking games with knives. Knives are just inherently dangerous. Large or small sharp blades like to connect with soft flesh and they can do some serious damage. If you’re not comfortable with a knife, don’t use it. If in doubt, always ask for help cutting something. Using a sharp knife is also better than a dull one that might slip around a bit on the surface of the fruit or item you’re cutting.

Meat cooking games. Cooking games with meat have the inherent risk of not being well enough done. If meat is undercooked it has a huge health risk. There are any number of diseases that can come from undercooked meat, and a handy meat thermometer will help you determine how things are looking as you prepare items.

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