Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cooking Games and 2010

In 2010, most of us are going to resolve to be healthier, and that starts no place other than the kitchen. Playing cooking games in 2010 can make a huge difference in how healthy we are and how great we feel. When you look forward to 2010, start your cooking games in a different way – plan around the sorts of food you should be eating.

It can be as simple as working in a fruit or vegetable at every meal. We should be having five or six servings of fruits and veggies every day, but if you’re counting French Fries as a vegetable, you might start with a single serving at every meal and then add more to the list. Once you get in the groove, you’ll be better off.

If you take foods away in your cooking games, be sure to replace them with others. When you leave a hole in your diet, you’ll likely fill it with the same foods you used to eat. So it’s better to add those fruits in to replace the sweets you used to eat to keep your cooking games more balanced.

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