Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cooking Games and Picky Eaters

Cooking games are one of the greatest things for picky eaters. Most picky eaters are choosy about what foods go into their mouths, and while mostly psychological, having control of the food as it is prepared can do a lot to help alleviate this problem. After all, many picky eaters aren’t doing it to be aggravating, they just don’t want to eat certain things for whatever reason.

If you have an older child who is a picky eater, turn him loose with a simple junior cookbook and oven mitts. Having him create his own meals or, better, the family’s meals at least once a week will encourage him to try new things and to experiment with dishes as well. This freedom is fun for the child to experiment with and it gives you a bit of a break as well from playing short-order cook.

If he hates one ingredient of a dish, but it sounds interesting, you can encourage him to substitute in something else or to leave things out to see what you get. Let him read through the recipes looking for things he’ll tolerate and let him put the full meal together including sides. Take him to the grocery store to show him to buy ingredients and teach him to be truly self-sufficient – a big treat for a picky eater.

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