Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cooking Games and Snacks

The best way to practice cooking games is with a series of snacks. When you play cooking games online, you might be grilling up a huge meal of hot dogs and hamburgers, but when you are playing cooking games in your own kitchen, you need to take it slow. Snacks are a good way to do this.

The easiest snacks to start with are things that don’t require any heat. Try making fruit salad or crackers and cheese. Use cookie cutters to make fun shapes for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When you are allowed to use heat, you can move on to items such as microwave popcorn and noodles, but with heat comes additional safety measures that you need to follow.

While I like hot snacks as much as the next person, I’m a bigger fan of cold snacks. Why not make an ice cream sundae on a hot day or create a fruit smoothie using frozen fruit and the blender. Learning to measure ingredients and prepare any sort of food in the kitchen is a big deal and means you’re well on your way to future cooking greatness.

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