Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cooking Games and Easy Toddler Foods

I was blessed with a picky toddler, and as other mothers who have picky toddlers know, you have to get a bit creative with your cooking games if you’re going to make it through the day. When you’re playing cooking games with your toddler, the first thing you need to remember is that toddlers have a stomach roughly the size of their fist. They are going to eat a lot, but not all at once. The toddlers usually graze during the day and this behavior can continue for years as they grow. Your job is to provide them plenty of healthy foods that make up a meal over the course of a day, not all at once.

Make your toddler foods enticing to your toddler by picking out some favorites an making them available. Put blue berries in a special bowl. Use a cookie cutter to make a sandwich a special shape. Have healthy oatmeal cookies in the middle of a tea party. However you arrange your food, be sure that it’s in a way that seems fun to you. If it’s fun for you to make it, it will likely be fun for your toddler to eat it.

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