Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cooking Games: Fun Food Centerpieces

Cooking games aren’t just about making food items. Cooking games can also include making the fun centerpieces that go in the middle of the table when you get to serve the yummy creations you’ve made during your cooking games. If you’re looking for a fun idea for your table, consider a few seasonal items:

Pumpkin Pals
Paint or carve faces on a few pumpkins. If you paint the faces, the pumpkins will last longer than carved jack-o-lanterns most likely. But carving pumpkins can be a lot of fun, too. Whichever you decide, intersperse your pumpkins with dark green ivy and a few well positioned candles.

The fall is a time of plenty, and what better way to show this than the cornucopia? Make a large brown open horn out of brown poster board or construction paper. Stuff the bottom of the horn with crumpled paper to help it stay up, and then arrange a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains and gourds around the outside of the cornucopia as if your horn of plenty had spilled its goodness onto the table.

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