Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cooking Games – Baking Pumpkin Seeds

When you make a jack-o-lantern this Halloween, don’t just throw all of those seeds away. You might not realize it, but pumpkin seeds can be a delicious and very healthy treat!

Gather a large group of pumpkin seeds in a bowl while you are cutting and cleaning your pumpkin. Don’t worry about the gooky orange mess that comes with the seeds, you’ll clean that off later.

Take your bowl inside and work at the sink. Grab a smaller bowl and carefully separate the seeds from the orange gunk and wash each one off. Sounds tedious, but you can really just grab a handful of seeds and hold them under running water to clean off the goo. Then throw the clean seeds in the new bowl and repeat until most of your seeds are clean and ready.

Arrange the seeds in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Place them in the oven to roast. When they are a light tan color and smell yummy, carefully remove the tray from the oven and scoop the seeds back into the bowl. Sprinkle the seeds generously with salt (or a salt substitute if you’re being especially healthy) and you have a delicious pumpkin treat!

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