Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Cooking Games for Potluck
The holidays bring a wave of potluck opportunities, and not all of them are easy to manage. If you’ve been asked to play some cooking games and whip up something delicious to bring to a potluck function, get a bit creative or stick to the basics, but don’t go overboard – this is supposed to be fun, remember?
Potatoes. You can’t go wrong with potatoes. People on all sorts of diets like to eat potatoes and you have plenty of choices as to how to prepare them. You can cut up new potatoes and season them before pan frying. Or create mashed potatoes with a bit of gravy on the side. They are easy to transport and everyone will love your cooking games.
Salad. A salad is another easy item to bring, and it has the added bonus of not being too hot to carry easily. Your salad should be a bit more than just a head of lettuce – try and make it more exciting than the basics, but bringing something green to a gathering shows a bit of balance in the cooking games as well.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Group Cooking Games
There are so many different opportunities to get together over the holiday season, so it's no wonder that there are endless parties that involve group activities for group cooking games. If you're thinking about throwing a party, consider the possibilities that come with a group cooking game.
Fondue Party - Find a recipe for fondue and then tearing up bread pieces and finding some fruit. You can have a fondue pot with cheese and perhaps a chocolate fountain to make it even tastier dessert from snack foods.
Cookie Party - Another easy cooking games party is to simply make a bunch of sugar cookies and then allow your guests to decorate them as they would like. They might decorate just the one cookie to eat now, or you can encourage them to decorate many more cookies and bring them home as a sort of party favor.
Pizza Party – Your cooking games don’t all have to be about sweets. You can easily have your guests create their own pizzas instead. Cook them up and then everyone can enjoy a bit of a hot meal on a cold day!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Cooking Games and Hot Chocolate
There is nothing that ushers in the Christmas season than a hot cup of hot chocolate or cocoa. Delicious, creamy and even decadent, hot chocolate can stand alone, but why would you want to make it live that way when there are so many other fun ways to enjoy the warm drink this Christmas season?
Stir in peppermint. Make you hot cocoa as usual and then rather than stirring with a spoon, use a soft peppermint stick to stir things up. The peppermint will melt into the hot chocolate and then you’ll have a delicious combination of chocolate and yummy peppermint – perfect for cold mornings.
Top it off! At the very least every cup of hot chocolate deserves to have a great topping. You can use a topping of marshmallows or whipped cream like they do in the movies. Or you can get a bit more creative and top your hot chocolate off with whipped cream and sprinkles or perhaps a bit of nutmeg to add some depth to the flavor.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Cooking Games and Pie
There is something about pie that simply sounds delicious. We’re not talking about the mathematical pi – who cares about math when there are chocolate, banana and lemon ice box pies around to enjoy? It’s hard to even imagine a Thanksgiving without a pie, so there is no surprise at all that cooking games with pies are especially popular this time of the year.
There are a few ways to make pies – my personal favorite is to simply buy a pie that someone else has already made for me. Then all I have to do is pop the pie in the oven and bake it. Or I might elect to buy an ice box pie – those cooking games are even easier. In that case all I have to do is take the pie out of the refrigerator.
Of course, the true experts of the cooking games are those who legitimately know how to create a pie from scratch. When you start with an apple and wind up with an apple pie – you are definitely getting the most out of the cooking games you’re playing.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Cooking Games and Tailgating
If you've never been tailgating, be warned that it is an extreme sport. Tailgating isn’t for everyone – it’s a lot like camping, but of a more temporary variety. It is an opportunity to share in the spirit of your team and enjoy the victory that is surely at hand. If you’re going to enjoy tailgating and the cooking games that go along with it, there are a few simple rules to follow:
Know the laws. There are rules about where you can part and you may have to arrange a parking permit weeks ahead of time if you’re planning to tailgate at a particular stadium. Make your arrangements and get situated so that you can enjoy the fun of the event.
Bring friends. Tailgating by yourself isn't the right spirit of the cooking games. If you’re going to be tailgating, you need to have some friends along for the adventure. Invite your friends to bring along side dishes if you’d like since you’re cooking up the main dish.
Get creative. The cooking games that come from tailgating are legendary and you can create fabulous things with a bit of creative flare. Enjoy the opportunity and never try the same recipe twice!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Cooking Games and Dinner
One of the things kids can do for their parents is cook them dinner. It might not be the first thing that you think of when you start brain storming about cooking games, but making dinner for your family is a simple, easy way to help out around the house and earn some serious brownie points. Fortunately, cooking dinner isn't much trouble once you've got the hang of planning for it.
The first cooking game you might try for preparing dinner can be done in the crock pot. Grab some hamburger meat and find a collection of beans, soups and other canned vegetables. Dump the soups into the crock pot while you brown the hamburger meat with onions. Then dump the meat into the crock pot stir it all up and set it on low all day. When you get home your cooking games will have paid off with a delicious, home-cooked meal.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Cooking Games and Health(ier) Halloween Treats
Let’s admit right now that Halloween treats stop being treats when they are totally healthy. Nobody wants to eat a handful of celery for Halloween after all! It’s about the candy, the sweets and the stomach-ache that comes later. That being said, there are some cooking games that give you a bit more flexibility when it comes to sweets on Halloween – you can make them sweet, but perhaps just a wee bit healthier as well.
Popcorn Balls – Make your own popcorn balls using butter, caramel and other natural ingredients. They will be loaded with sugar and fat, of course, but at least your homemade popcorn balls won’t be full of preservatives.
Candy Apples – These cooking games give you lots of choices for how to make things healthier. You’re going to have to use a bit of caramel on the apple, of course, but you can also use other ingredients to add some additional flavor and fun. Roll the apple in coconut or perhaps nuts. Then, enjoy the apple cooking games knowing you’re eating some good things along with that sticky caramel.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Cooking Games and Gifts
Most of us have a friend who is almost impossible to shop for. We don’t know what to buy for this individual, so why buy anything at all? You can easily show your affection and care for your friend by making something instead. Baked goods make a wonderful present- and you have an added bonus to these particular cooking games as well. Once you make your cake or whip up some fabulous cookies, you can enjoy eating them together, giving you a nice excuse to enjoy each other’s friendship that much more.
Of the many items you can enjoy making in these sorts of cooking games, the best tend to be sweets., Whip up a cake and bring it to school for a birthday present. Or make some cookies and spend some time creating the amazing final product by choosing fun frosting and topping ideas. You can even bring the frosting and sprinkles to the lunch table with you to decorate cupcakes and cookies together.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Cooking Games and Fast, Frozen Snacks
When you’re hungry for a snack, you don’t have the patience for a long, drawn-out cooking game. Cooking games can be fun, but they can also take a long time, which makes you frustrated and weak with hunger by the time that your food is actually ready. Fortunately there are several fast cooking games that result in some very nice snacks and even meal ideas.
Frozen waffles. Play some toaster cooking games when you get hungry and you’ll be snacking on hot waffles in just a few minutes. The healthiest frozen waffles are the whole grain varieties, of course, and you may discover that you can eat the waffles faster without syrup – that makes them a bit healthier, too.
Toast with…anything. Use that toaster again to make some toast. Then smear something on top of it to make it delicious and fast. You can do toast with butter. Toast with jelly. Toast with Nutella. Toast with peanut butter. Toast with cheese. Toast with absolutely anything you can imagine. It’s fast and reasonably healthy as well.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Cooking Games and the Lunch Box
While cooking games are important, it is just as important to give some thought to how your lunch is prepared in addition to the style of the food itself. What will your friends think of you if you walk in without a carefully prepared lunchbox on the first day of school? In fact, do you even know which lunch box is best for your style?
Cooking Games with Paper Bags
The staple for older kids may be the brown paper bag. Play some quick cooking games in the morning to prepare a sandwich, grab some chips and a drink. Eat up at lunchtime and you’re done. Ball the bag and trash up and throw it away. You go for quick and convenient. Lunch is all about the food.
Quirky Lunch Kit
On the other hand if you enjoy a bit of fun, you can enjoy a funky lunch kit instead of the standard bag. Find your favorite cartoon character or opt for a kit that is large enough to hold leftovers from home. Buy a metal lunch box or perhaps a little ice chest. Whatever you pick, be sure your cooking games are as delicious as the method of delivery.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Cooking Games and School Lunches
If you're not a huge fan of school cafeterias (and who is?) you probably want to take some time to play around with the possibilities of some new lunch ideas for the school year. This year your cooking games don't have to involve much more than sandwich bags and perhaps a thermos, but yummy school lunches are not beyond your grasp and they certainly can cost less than the cafeteria version as well.
In your school lunch, you should be thinking first about protein. Protein is what you need for energy throughout the rest of your day. What can you eat to get your daily dose of protein? You might try a soup with some meat and beans inside, a cold wrap full of chicken and beans or even a peanut butter sandwich. All other items in your cooking games should compliment your protein selection to be sure that you're getting as many good, healthy nutrients as possible before you head to your next class.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Cooking Games and the Crockpot
It’s amazing the sort of things you can cook in a crockpot. You can make the standard pot roast, of course, and there are plenty of soups that can be thrown into the pot to simmer all day while you’re at school or work, but have you tried all of the various cooking games that can be played with a crockpot? Probably not, since it’s impossible there are so many!
To enjoy cooking games with a crockpot, you’ll need to start with some great ideas. Search the web or buy a book of good crockpot recipes. Many of them will require you to cook the meat ahead of time for chicken or beef recipes, but there are others that simply require you to put things in the pot, turn it on and walk out the door. From appetizers to desserts, there are hundreds of possibilities. Why not try some of your own inventions and enjoy the results of your very own cooking games?
Monday, July 9, 2012
The Basics of Cooking Games
Cooking games are one of the most challenging and entertaining games to play online. Most of the cooking games wouldn't strike you as a major brain teaser, but they are a bit harder to play than you might first imagine. With the cooking games, you’ll be asked to whip up some meals for customers. The type of meal you’re preparing will depend most on the customer that you’re trying to please and the sort of cooking game that you’re playing.
There are cooking games for barbeque as well as pizza and ice cream as well. There are actually endless varieties of cooking games out there, and it’s easy to find one that suits – although you won’t be doing any eating with these guys. Start your cooking games by choosing a game you like and then pay careful attention. Orders will come in and you’ll need to check your orders and keep and eye on the grill. Cook the food! Be careful not to virtually burn any of it! Serve it up and then keep up as the game speeds up!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Cooking Games and Healthy Foods
While it’s tempting to bake delicious treats most of the time when you’re enjoying cooking games, there are plenty of other cooking games you can enjoy as well that are a bit healthier. If you’re into baking, for example, skip the cake and cookies for a week and focus instead on baking bread or baking a lasagna. Baking bread can be especially rewarding because it is so labor intensive. Not only that, but you can have a great deal of fun playing with the different types of grains and nuts that you can add to the bread.
Of course, there are some great ways to practice your new healthy cooking games without even making a mess in the kitchen. Start your games by playing cooking games online. Get some ideas there about things you can make that are pretty healthy – barbeque, fruit salad and hamburgers are a good start. Then, take what inspires you online and turn it into the real deal in the kitchen!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Cooking Games and Easy Variety
If you love cooking games, how often do you change things up just a bit because you can? Often getting a bit of variety in your cooking games isn’t challenging. It’s just a matter of substituting one thing for another. For example, if you love making chocolate chip cookies, why not break out of the traditional mold and use the same recipe with some new ingredients? For example, you can find dark chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and any number of small candies like Reese’s Pieces or M&Ms. All of those make recipes in your cooking games even more delicious.
Of course you have other options as well for cooking games and easy variety. Use your favorite seasoning for steak on your chicken. Try using sausage instead of regular hot dogs. Try adding different kinds of cheese to your burgers and sandwiches. The results are not only impressive, but delicious as well. And with some easy variety in your cooking games, you’ll be able to expand your menus that much more.
Of course you have other options as well for cooking games and easy variety. Use your favorite seasoning for steak on your chicken. Try using sausage instead of regular hot dogs. Try adding different kinds of cheese to your burgers and sandwiches. The results are not only impressive, but delicious as well. And with some easy variety in your cooking games, you’ll be able to expand your menus that much more.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Cooking Games and Pasta
Of all the various dishes to cook, pasta is one of the easiest. There are so many different styles of pasta available, and they are all delicious. Often cooking pasta is as simple as throwing a handful of dry noodles into boiling water. The noodles cook for less than ten minutes and then we all have a delicious lunch. Of course, the success of your pasta cooking games depends rather heavily on the type of sauce you decide to use.
Many types of pasta are delicious with a bit of pure butter tossed into the pan. Or for a bit of extra flavor you can use some garlic butter and sprinkle on Parmesan. If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, using a canned or jarred sauce is simple, but the best sauces are those that you create at home. This doesn't have to be a challenge - it's usually as simple as cutting up some veggies, throwing them in a pan with spices and allowing it to all boil down a bit. The end product is a meal fit for a king! Or at least a hungry teenager.
Many types of pasta are delicious with a bit of pure butter tossed into the pan. Or for a bit of extra flavor you can use some garlic butter and sprinkle on Parmesan. If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, using a canned or jarred sauce is simple, but the best sauces are those that you create at home. This doesn't have to be a challenge - it's usually as simple as cutting up some veggies, throwing them in a pan with spices and allowing it to all boil down a bit. The end product is a meal fit for a king! Or at least a hungry teenager.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Cooking Games and Sugar-Free Baking
There are lots of ways you can play cooking games without using too much sugar, even if you’re baking. There are some rather nice tricks to the trade of baking and with a bit of clever savvy and practice, you can make delicious desserts that are sweetened with natural ingredients or at least reasonable sugar substitutes to avoid some of the empty calories cooking games often have.
Sugar Substitutes – One of the easiest ways to reduce the calories of the cooking games is to simply remove the sugar that is required in the cake or cookie mix and add in a sugar substitute instead. Be very careful with the measurements of the sugar substitute, however, as it does not always measure exactly like traditional sugar does.
Applesauce – Another popular choice for cookies and cakes that require large amounts of oil and sugar is to substitute apple sauce or other fruit purees to produce the sweetness and moisture that those elements would normally have.
Sugar Substitutes – One of the easiest ways to reduce the calories of the cooking games is to simply remove the sugar that is required in the cake or cookie mix and add in a sugar substitute instead. Be very careful with the measurements of the sugar substitute, however, as it does not always measure exactly like traditional sugar does.
Applesauce – Another popular choice for cookies and cakes that require large amounts of oil and sugar is to substitute apple sauce or other fruit purees to produce the sweetness and moisture that those elements would normally have.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Cooking Games and Fun Cakes
Cooking games should always be fun, and what can be more fun than playing with the various shapes of cakes that are available to us these days? You can buy special novelty pans for baking cakes if you’d like, but you can have just as much fun with what you have in the kitchen already if you’re clever enough to use what is there.
Princess Cakes
Of the many cakes out there, this is a particularly fun one. Preheat the oven to about twenty-five degrees under what is recommended on the box of cake mix. Then, pour your ready cake mix into a glass bowl that you’d use for mixing. Don’t use the same one that you mixed in because you need to grease the cake pan correctly first. Bake the cake in the bowl for almost an hour before it’s done. Then, stick a doll base (you can get one at a craft store) in the top of the cake, decorate her “skirt” and your cake is ready!
Round Cakes
You can use the cake in bowl idea for lots of other things as well. Make hills for cars to drive across. Use the round bowl to make a sport’s ball for a friend trying out for the soccer team. Play with the ideas and you’ll find lots of good cooking games to use when the time comes.
Princess Cakes
Of the many cakes out there, this is a particularly fun one. Preheat the oven to about twenty-five degrees under what is recommended on the box of cake mix. Then, pour your ready cake mix into a glass bowl that you’d use for mixing. Don’t use the same one that you mixed in because you need to grease the cake pan correctly first. Bake the cake in the bowl for almost an hour before it’s done. Then, stick a doll base (you can get one at a craft store) in the top of the cake, decorate her “skirt” and your cake is ready!
Round Cakes
You can use the cake in bowl idea for lots of other things as well. Make hills for cars to drive across. Use the round bowl to make a sport’s ball for a friend trying out for the soccer team. Play with the ideas and you’ll find lots of good cooking games to use when the time comes.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Cooking Games and Coffee
It’s simply amazing how much of a role coffee plays in cooking games. When you’re having fun in the kitchen, it’s somehow just totally natural to invite your friends to sit down for coffee while you putter around with the final elements of a cake or while you put the icing on the cookies or cupcakes. Cooking games are outstanding to play with a glass of wine or even a few cans of soda, but coffee has a special appeal because there are so many cooking games that you can play with the drink itself.
There is a lot more to coffee than basic black. The source of caffeine is delicious, of course, and drinking a cup of coffee makes it easier to stay away on a long night, but there are many other ways to enjoy some coffee as well. It’s pointless to have coffee cake without coffee. You can’t enjoy shortbread properly without coffee (or perhaps tea) as well. What’s the best thing to flavor rich ice cream? Why coffee, of course! For a basic drink, it’s simply astounding how much it influences all of our cooking games.
There is a lot more to coffee than basic black. The source of caffeine is delicious, of course, and drinking a cup of coffee makes it easier to stay away on a long night, but there are many other ways to enjoy some coffee as well. It’s pointless to have coffee cake without coffee. You can’t enjoy shortbread properly without coffee (or perhaps tea) as well. What’s the best thing to flavor rich ice cream? Why coffee, of course! For a basic drink, it’s simply astounding how much it influences all of our cooking games.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Cooking Games for Coordination
It’s amazing what a few cooking games online can do. Online cooking games give you a chance to learn more about how to coordinate your movements and train your brain to respond rapidly to changing circumstances. Any time you want to exercise your smartest muscle, you need to use your brain in new ways to try new challenges. Cooking games online are a great way to do exactly that. When you use the cooking games, you’re able to see changes and respond quickly.
One of the fastest ways to build up experience through cooking games is to play them online when the opportunity presents itself. If you’re bored with your homework and you need to take a mental break – pull up a cooking game. You’ll be able to play a few rounds before returning to your paper. If you’re looking for a challenge, cooking games provide many different formats – all the different food ethnicities are available.
One of the fastest ways to build up experience through cooking games is to play them online when the opportunity presents itself. If you’re bored with your homework and you need to take a mental break – pull up a cooking game. You’ll be able to play a few rounds before returning to your paper. If you’re looking for a challenge, cooking games provide many different formats – all the different food ethnicities are available.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Cooking Games and Breakfast
The most enjoyable of the cooking games are breakfast cooking games. If you get up early, you're able to sneak downstairs and start your own favorite items cooking on the stove. Enjoy bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, grits, toast and coffee before the sun even clears the horizon. Or wake up late and cook yourself a big breakfast that will do double duty as both breakfast and lunch.
Cooking games that include breakfast foods are certainly not regulated only to mornings. Some of the easiest, fastest meals you can prepare in the evenings are breakfast foods as well. Whip up a bowl full of waffle mix for dinner and let everyone add their favorite ingredients - banana chunks, walnuts, blueberries, cinnamon, raisins and just about anything else you can round up all taste delicious as part of a healthy breakfast or a healthy and delicious dinner.
Cooking games that include breakfast foods are certainly not regulated only to mornings. Some of the easiest, fastest meals you can prepare in the evenings are breakfast foods as well. Whip up a bowl full of waffle mix for dinner and let everyone add their favorite ingredients - banana chunks, walnuts, blueberries, cinnamon, raisins and just about anything else you can round up all taste delicious as part of a healthy breakfast or a healthy and delicious dinner.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Cooking Games and Queso
What’s not to love about queso? The hot, bubbling cheese may not be super healthy, but it’s definitely super delicious and it’s actually the sort of cooking game that is easy to play ony our own. Start with a block of processed cheese like Velveeta. Grab a can of spiced, diced tomatos and you have the basics of the dip. You’ll need a few more things to really make your dip special, but that’s where you get to be creative.
You can melt the cheese and tomatoes together to make a simple queso in the microwave. But you can get a bit more creative by including strained spinach in the deep along with cream cheese. The dip transforms into a creamy spinach dip – but with a bit of a bite, of course. Or take your queso the other direction and add ground or cooked meat to the cheese and tomatoes. Spicy sausage is a good fit for queso as is ground taco meat. Any sort of cooking game you play with queso is bound to come out delicious, of course.
You can melt the cheese and tomatoes together to make a simple queso in the microwave. But you can get a bit more creative by including strained spinach in the deep along with cream cheese. The dip transforms into a creamy spinach dip – but with a bit of a bite, of course. Or take your queso the other direction and add ground or cooked meat to the cheese and tomatoes. Spicy sausage is a good fit for queso as is ground taco meat. Any sort of cooking game you play with queso is bound to come out delicious, of course.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Cooking Games and Popcorn
Popcorn is a simple snack to make and it’s often the first snack that we learn to cook ourselves. To make popcorn you have a couple of options depending on how your family normally pops the corn. Avoid stove top methods as they are usually unsafe, but you can easily grab a bag of popcorn and toss it into the microwave. Read the instructions carefully on the bag so that you can see which side is supposed to be facing up and how long to leave it in the microwave. The bag will be hot when it’s done, but give it a minute, pull it open and you’re ready to eat.
The other sort of popcorn that is easy to cook and enjoy is air popped popcorn. This cooking game requires an air popper, a bowl and some seeds. Follow the instructions on how to put the seeds into the popcorn popper. Then simply plug it in (and turn it on if necessary) and the air popper starts to heat the seeds. As they pop they spill out of the popcorn maker and into the bowl. Be careful with an air popper – it can put a tremendous amount of popcorn in a single setting!
The other sort of popcorn that is easy to cook and enjoy is air popped popcorn. This cooking game requires an air popper, a bowl and some seeds. Follow the instructions on how to put the seeds into the popcorn popper. Then simply plug it in (and turn it on if necessary) and the air popper starts to heat the seeds. As they pop they spill out of the popcorn maker and into the bowl. Be careful with an air popper – it can put a tremendous amount of popcorn in a single setting!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cooking Games and Candy Cakes

A yummy treat you can give a friend for her birthday, candy cakes are becoming hugely popular, and they are very simple to make as well. To start the cooking games, you’ll need a regular cake mix in your friend’s favorite flavor. Chocolate is always a good choice. Once you’ve made a round cake, use icing to put the two layers together. Now you’d normally ice the outside of the cake and make it look good. Go ahead and put the icing on, but don’t worry too much about how it looks – this is all about the candy, now.
Start with Kit-Kat bars. You want the small ones that have only two bars stuck together. Carefully place them bars around the outside of the cake like a little round fence. They should be stuck firmly in the cake. Then, grab your friend’s favorite candy – M&Ms are popular, as are Reese’s Pieces and pour a big bagful directly into the middle of the cake basket you’ve created with the standing-up Kit-Kats. Spread the small candies around to hide the icing on top and your candy cake is complete! Enjoy!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Cooking Games and Variety

It’s hard to find variety with cooking games. If you’re not a blessed cook, you may find that cooking games tend to be the same things over and over again. The first meal you cook that turns out well might be the start of your food choices for the next few years with only a few meals rotated out and through the menu for your cooking games in order to be sure that you’re always serving something everyone likes and something that you’re good at.
But perhaps the most fun of cooking games is branching out and trying something new. To do this, however, you need to find cooking games and recipes that you’re willing to try and have a willing test audience as well. A family with picky eaters may not be the best ones to try some new experiments, but if you have some friends with iron stomachs, invite them over to share in your cooking games. You can create food together and then enjoy it together, too.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Cooking Games and Queso

If you’re in love with the gooey yellow cheese queso you’re in luck! You can make a batch right in your microwave if you’d like – all you need are a few simple ingredients to give it a try.
Assemble your ingredients for the cooking games. In this case you’ll need a block of Velveeta cheese and a can of Rotel tomatoes with chilies. Get the can of Rotel to suit the level of spiciness you’d like in your queso.
Cut up the chunk of Velveeta or similar processed cheese into small cubes. Place the cubes into a small crock pot if you have one or a small microwavable dish if you don’t. Then, open the can of Rotel. Drain off the extra water in the can of tomatoes before you add it to the cheese.
If you’re using the crock pot, simply plug it in and wait. If you’re using a microwavable bowl, place the bowl in the microwave and cook for two minutes. Remove the bowl and stir the concoction before replacing it and stirring again. When the cheese is smoothly melted, enjoy it with your favorite tortilla chips.
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