Monday, September 5, 2011

Cooking Games and Watermelons

It would seem like a silly thing to play with, but watermelons are great for cooking games. The watermelons are an easy way to make a bowl for your fruit salad, and they are a natural ingredient in the salad as well. Start with a round watermelon that isn’t too big – you want it to be manageable. Cut off a tiny slice on the bottom of the melon. This is just to give the melon something to sit on – not to drip from, so be sure you don’t cut off more than just a sliver of rind.

Then, cut open the watermelon and using a melon ball scoop, start scooping out little balls of watermelon. Cut open a cantaloupe and do the same thing with that as well. Store the balls in a large bowl until the watermelon bowl is empty. Cut out the rest of the watermelon inside and then pour the balls back in. Mix them up with some blueberries and perhaps strawberries to finish off the fruit concoction. Easy dessert and beautiful to boot!

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