Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cooking Games and Breadmakers

There is nothing lovelier than the smell of cooking bread. Fresh bread is delicious and can be a wonderful treat with jam, honey or butter sitting by the fire on a cold winter night. But the trouble with fresh bread is that it is such a challenge to prepare. Making bread takes hours and it’s hard to find hours in our schedules today. But there is a pretty simple solution. Breadmakers let you make fresh, hot bread in about three hours without doing much at all.

To use a breadmaker for your cooking games, you’ll be using a recipe provided for the breadmaker or you’ll be making the bread from a box you can buy in the grocery store. I personally prefer the boxes because they are so simple and take so little time. To make bread this way, you’ll dump in water, the flour from the box and cover it with yeast from the box. Then turn on the machine and work on other things. In three hours, your bread will be hot, delicious and ready as a yummy snack or a treat with dinner that night.

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