Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cooking Games – Gingerbread Men

What could be yummier at Christmas time than a slew of gingerbread men? This cooking game is fun for younger brothers and sisters, too – especially if you cheat and use the ready to bake cookie dough.

To make gingerbread men, you’ll need:

Ready to bake gingerbread cookie dough (it comes in a tube)
Gingerbread men cookie cutters
Icing in tubes

Roll out the dough and cut out the gingerbread men. As you cut each, carefully place it on the cookie sheet. As each sheet fills, bake according to the dough’s instructions. Remove the men when still warm. You can’t put the icing on until the cookies are cool, but any candy that will be stuck on the gingerbread men should be done quickly after removing the sheet from the oven You can also use icing later to glue on gum drop buttons and the like.

Push in any candy pieces while the cookie is still hot and then allow the cookies to cool completely. When they are hardened and cool, use small tubes of icing to decorate each. Add faces, buttons, arm and leg decorations and anything else you can think of to make the gingerbread men fun for the holiday season.

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