Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Comes From Cooking Games

Ever wonder why you play cooking games and what purpose they serve in your life? Of course they are entertainment and you play them because they are fun, but there is more to a simple cooking game than good times – it has other benefits, too.

Hand-Eye Coordination
One of the biggest skills in a rapid-fire cooking game exercise is how quickly you must move your hands after seeing an order come in or to keep all orders busy cooking. Who knows, you might be a surgeon someday operating via camera!

Processing Skills
Television will numb the brain, but cooking games will actually make your brain work faster. Having to react quickly to different orders and scenarios helps you to process information more quickly and to think of a strategy in a split second. Very useful life skill, indeed.

Real World Experience
When you play cooking games at home, you are working in the kitchen and actually gaining real world experience you can use on a job someday or as you grow older. The years you spent playing in the kitchen can ensure that you are fed well as an adult, too.

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