Monday, September 17, 2012

Cooking Games and Gifts

Most of us have a friend who is almost impossible to shop for. We don’t know what to buy for this individual, so why buy anything at all? You can easily show your affection and care for your friend by making something instead. Baked goods make a wonderful present- and you have an added bonus to these particular cooking games as well. Once you make your cake or whip up some fabulous cookies, you can enjoy eating them together, giving you a nice excuse to enjoy each other’s friendship that much more.

Of the many items you can enjoy making in these sorts of cooking games, the best tend to be sweets., Whip up a cake and bring it to school for a birthday present. Or make some cookies and spend some time creating the amazing final product by choosing fun frosting and topping ideas. You can even bring the frosting and sprinkles to the lunch table with you to decorate cupcakes and cookies together.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cooking Games and Fast, Frozen Snacks

When you’re hungry for a snack, you don’t have the patience for a long, drawn-out cooking game. Cooking games can be fun, but they can also take a long time, which makes you frustrated and weak with hunger by the time that your food is actually ready. Fortunately there are several fast cooking games that result in some very nice snacks and even meal ideas.

Frozen waffles. Play some toaster cooking games when you get hungry and you’ll be snacking on hot waffles in just a few minutes. The healthiest frozen waffles are the whole grain varieties, of course, and you may discover that you can eat the waffles faster without syrup – that makes them a bit healthier, too.

Toast with…anything. Use that toaster again to make some toast. Then smear something on top of it to make it delicious and fast. You can do toast with butter. Toast with jelly. Toast with Nutella. Toast with peanut butter. Toast with cheese. Toast with absolutely anything you can imagine. It’s fast and reasonably healthy as well.