There is no reason pot lucks have to be on formal occasions at work. If you have a group of friends who like to eat together, why not have a standing pot luck event every week or every couple of weeks? You can give each potluck a name or just make them a standing ritual. To have a pot luck cooking game, you only need to have a few friends to join together to make something yummy. You might want to divvy up the styles of foods to bring for each friend as well.
For example, the first week of the cooking games, you could bring the main course in a crock pot. Another friend can bring a salad, the next a side dish and the fourth a dessert. The end result is a nice meal that everyone can share. It’s much better than a frozen meal and it’s not much more expensive than your meal would have been otherwise. This is especially true if you bring the main dish only once per month when you do this weekly. A side benefit is that the food can be used again the next day as delicious leftovers.