Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cooking Games and Pot Luck Specialties

I’m not sure how other people live, but we live for pot lucks around here it seems. Every time we have a gathering of family, we wind up bringing along dishes to try and feed the crowds of people that show up. Unfortunately for everyone else, I’m not a whiz at cooking games when it comes to making something authentic and homemade. I’m a whiz with boxes and instructions, however, so I usually do pretty well at least pulling that sort of thing together. But when it comes to cooking games for pot lucks, I usually rely on a favorite specialty – the fruit salad.

Fruit salad is accepted around the calendar and around the clock. If you have a brunch, bring a fruit salad. Having a picnic? Need fruit salad. A bit holiday dinner? Why not bring fruit salad. You can do so much with fruit and a few choice serving dishes. For summer fruit salads, I make a watermelon basket and fill it up with melon balls and berries. For a brunch, I bring a dip bowl filled with bright berries and a creamy whipped dip. For a special dinner, bust out the crystal serving bowl for a collection of exotic fruits. Simple cooking games? Absolutely – but it’s also absolutely delicious.

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