Saturday, September 12, 2009

Grilling Cooking Games

Using an outside grill is one of the best ways to cook. The outside grill lets you heat up food over an open flame and the barbeque results are almost always yummy. There are endless varieties of foods you can cook on a grill, but if you plan on learning to use the grill, be aware of a few things.

Grills take some time to heat up. You can’t cook on a grill like you can the microwave. Leave the grill at least fifteen minutes to warm up before you put any food on it.

You’ll need to watch the grill. Unlike the oven, you can’t stick food into the grill and then walk away and wait on the timer. Cooking on a grill requires you to be present and ready to deal with any surprises. Fat dripping into the fire from a yummy steak can start a fire, for example. Granted, closing the lid on the fire with the vents closed ought to take care of it quickly enough.

Grilled food has a distinctive flavor. Grilled foods cooked over an open flame have a very distinctive flavor. You can change the flavor by adding different kinds of wood and different levels of smoke.

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