Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cooking Games and Injuries

If you’re enjoying cooking games at your home, it’s very likely you’ve had some trouble with injuries. There are many ways to get hurt in the kitchen, and even with the most cautious approach and careful handling, burns, scrapes and other injuries happen.

Burns – With so many different sources of heat in the kitchen, it’s no surprise that you wind up burned from time to time. When you do get burned, run the burned area under cold water to take away the sting and maybe apply ice. Do not put butter or lotion on the burn as it locks in the heat and can make the injury hurt more. If the burn is large or seems severe, call your doctor or the emergency room.

Cuts – Knives and other sharp kitchen utensils make it more than likely that you’ll wind up cut at some point. You should always be extremely careful with knives and handle those and other sharp objects carefully. If you receive a shallow cut or scrape, have a parent clean it out with an antiseptic product or do so yourself. Bacteria which causes infections is rampant in a kitchen, so you must clean a cut before covering it with a bandage or two. If your cut is severe, doesn’t stop bleeding or is a puncture wound such as a deep spot where an ice pick went into your hand or arm, see a doctor for treatment.

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